Creativity Begets Creativity Begets Creativity

art making crafting group creativity Feb 13, 2023
Hi there. Popping in to (very briefly) talk for a moment about enjoying something even when you're not “good” at it and/or making money from it.  
Confession here… I am personally super guilty when it comes to assigning the highest value to things that I can make beautiful or sell.  I'm not proud of this & I actively confront this annoying quality of mine.  I'm here to share how & why I work hard to give myself permission to just freaking mess around!!  
21st hustle culture is killing creativity & curiosity.  And if we're not intentional about building in time for our minds & hands to wander, then our default tends to drift towards only investing our time in what might earn us a buck.  
And so without quite realizing it, we're often making decisions about our creativity based on consumer expectations of beauty, and therefore we hesitate to engage in aimless creativity (which is where the best stuff happens).  
As a maker and Art Therapist, here are two meaningful observations I return to often:
+   Creativity begets creativity.  The more we give ourselves permission to make, create, or simply mess around with no end goal, the more creative we become in our lives on the whole.  
+ And, during a creative dry-spell when it's a struggle to justify the time or energy to make - gifting someone a handmade piece for a birthday or holiday is extremely helpful. It's OK to need a reason outside ourselves sometimes to find the motivation to make.  Making is making is making, and as a Creative, we simply need a reason to be engaged - no matter for what or whom.